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Java To Python Converter

Java2python claims to be a simple but effective tool to translate Java source code into Python source code. Troy Melhase, the creator of the java2python project has announced the first release.java2python is licensed under the GNU General Public License 2.0. To translate code, java2python requires python 2.5, ANTLR and PyANTLR.The following is working with java2python 0.1 version:. class definitions, inner class definitions.

  1. Java To Python Conversion Online

method definitions. most expressions. if statements, for statements, while statements. raises statement. type translation (e.g, String - str).

Java To Python Converter

class member access to instance attributessays “I’ve written java2python with the idea that it should provide ahigh degree of customization to the generation process. It allows formultiple, cumulative configuration modules, which means you can have aconfiguration for an entire translation project, and also haveconfigurations for individual modules.Let me add a few more waffles before concluding. Yes, I know Python isnot Java. Yes, I know that this tool doesn’t translate the meaning ofthe input source code. Yes, the tool does not produce idiomatic Python.And yes, I know the tool isn’t even close to perfect.

But even with allof those problems, I know this is better than what I was doing.”java2python is available on Google code atRelated.

Java To Python Conversion Online


Hey guys, I had hoped to find a great place to get information on converting Python to, either using Jython or some other program.I dont know Java. I wrote this script in python and I'm wanting to be able to make it work for Android/iOS.

There doesnt seem to be an easy way to do this without distributing the python file directly (using sl4a). I use these imports:import sysimport csvimport reimport jsonimport timeimportimport randomimport urllibimport urllib2Does anyone have advice on where to start etc?

This is essentially a farming robot that automates farming in a game we play online. If anyone wants to see the code or can translate to Java easily please let me know. I have started the Java translation but fear I'm getting in way over my head with Java. Thanks guys take care. Welcome to the JavaRanch.J Hicks wrote: I wrote this script in python and I'm wanting to be able to make it work for Android/iOS.Android and iOS are very different ecosystems. Programming in iOS is usually done with. Android programmers use a customized version of Java.


If you want to target both OS's, you'll either have to write two versions of your app or use a cross-platform development tool like Appcelerator.As for translating a Python program to Java, they use very different programming paradigms so there will not be a 1:1 match for functionality (especially given your mobile requirement, which adds another API in the mix). I honestly don't think you can hope to translate the app without getting knowledgeable about Java and Android.